
Our story

We have been working in the electromechanical industry for almost fify years. Our company was founded in 1973 as a small handcrafting business; nowadays we have customers worldwide, from Europe to Australasia. We have dedicated the last fifty years to continuous improvements, on-going technological innovation and building increasingly customised products.

Customer satisfaction

We want our customers to be satisfied and we are committed to achieving this. This is why we guarantee that the final product matches customer specifications, while respecting all the regulations applicable to electrical appliances. We are committed to respecting delivery times and we offer technical and commercial assistance, also after sales. Our service goes beyond designing and building products.


Our internationally registered trademark means product quality, reliability and care. We use components of the highest quality and the most advanced tools in order to design and build excellent low voltage transformers and inductors. All our products are tested, homologated, labelled, certified and compliant with the applicable regulations.


We believe in the highest quality standards. This is why we were among the first in Italy to gain UNI-EN ISO 9001 company certification in 1995, which we still hold. As well as being compliant with European standards, our products also meet the highest standards required by the CSA and UL regulations for marketing and sales in the United States and Canada. Our company and brand are synonyms of quality on the Italian, European and Extra-European markets.


 All our products are designed, built and tested according to the customer needs and requirements, with respect for applicable regulations. We design and build transformers and inductors for various fields of application, not to mention the ad hoc products we build for special purposes. We also test our prototypes with additional tests, so as to evaluate them based on actual use conditions.

Research and Development

We believe in continuous research and technological innovation